Comments Posted By Lynn Suzanne
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FROM lynnsuzanne's latest book:

PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA ~ PRESIDENT HIL CLINTON ~ OPRAH OPRAH OPRAH ~ Me, Me, Me, fealty to the Symbol of the Secular Cult of Social America by Lynn Suzanne ~ page 324

Dear God,

I wonder what Fourth of July of 2009 will look like. No matter what mood the country is in on that special day, I plan to make a complete fool of myself: I am going to take my celebration of Independence Day to great heights. I hope that there will be many others that will have awakened from the walking-dead-sleep who will join me.

Did my forefathers know this could happen? There is no time to research all they wrote about this potential. God, please place the knowing in my cells right this very moment. A miracle must commence.

Where did the fallible human place his ancestral training? When was it let go?

Forget it. I do not care how or when; it is trivial at this point. Certainly, Monday-morning-quarterbacking will take care of that on every cable news network. After the explosion, they can loop it over and over and over. CNN will be so damn excited that they beat FOX with the breaking news by two minutes, and they inevitably will have missed the entire point once again.

I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

It is now upside-down after having soared the heights of an eagle and victoried in the consummate capitulation of a genocidal maniac from stored-up provisions, of ancient wisdom, that summoned the courage of a Spartan warrior and then shared the bounty of the fruit of its labor.

Me, Me, Me fealty to the Secular Cult of Social America, and only toward the Dictatorship for which it demands, one lump of dirt smothered by GodWithoutJesus, butt-Ugly, with Enslavement and Thought-Control, for each Comatose Infallible Despot.

A Horrified Citizen

Comment Posted By Lynn Suzanne On 27.07.2008 @ 19:24

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